Treatment for restoring metabolic balance

The treatment enhances the regeneration processes of the body, delays aging processes, detoxifies and purifies the body, strengthens immunity, creates an immune barrier around organs and in the skin, revitalizes and tonifies nervous system, bone and muscular structure; it fortifies circulatory system and improves blood circulation. The metabolic disorders are the main cause of chronic…


Although a very little known affection, endometriosis is one of the most common health problems in women. Endometriosis is one of the main causes of female infertility. Worldwide, about 70 million women and female teenagers suffer from this affection. Statistically, the cases of endometriosis are more numerous than breast cancer or AIDS. Endometriosis is one…

Health, acupuncture and feng shui

The ancient but miraculous Chinese vision upon life originates in the profound apprehension of three main treasures: sky, humanity and earth. This vision endows humanity with a natural system that has to be studied, understood and lived. The system is called “The eight Branches of Tao” and includes I Ching, Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Feng Shui,…

Uterine fibroma

Fibroids and metrorrhages have a higher incidence in the women over 35 years of age; one out of three women suffers from this type of disease . The studies in the field have shown that African-American women are the most predisposed to these diseases. Fibroids and metrorrhages precede the development of benign or malignant tumors…


Glomerulonephritis is a renal disease manifested as an inflammation of the glomerules (cluster-shaped renal filtration units), which affects the power of the kidneys to filter and to eliminate the excess liquids and the toxic residues in the blood. Glomerulonephritis may be acute, with a sudden onset and violent manifestations or chronic, with a slow evolution…


Helatio-therapy is one of the most interesting therapies existing in the history and practice of human medicine. Should its methodology be known and applied worldwide, millions of lives would be saved annually. The Helatio method has amazing effects especially upon patients with cerebrovascular accidents, patients with cardiovascular diseases, diabetics, persons with poor peripheral circulation, persons…


Hepatitis is a disease of the liver, manifested by the inflammation and the lesion of the hepatic tissue. Unless treated properly, it causes cirrhosis or hepatic cancer. Viral hepatitis occurs as a result of the infestation of the body by the hepatic virus of A, B, C, D or E type. In addition to the…


A frequent cause of female fertility and sterility disorders, hydrosalpinx is a disease of the genital system, of the salpingites’ category. The uterine tubes are obstructed by the accumulation of a serous or clear fluid which doesn’t let the spermatozoids fecundate the ovule, by blocking their acces. The process causes fluid to accumulate in both…

Arterial Hypertension

Hypertension is a disease of the cardio-vascular system manifested by the abnormal rise of the blood pressure. The higher the blood pressure values are, the more pronounced the deteriorations of the cardio-vascular system and of other organs are. The diagnosis of hypertension is established by measuring the blood pressure in state of rest at least…


Hyperthyroidism is an endocrine condition, characterized by hyperactivity of the thyroid and by hypersecretion of the hormones: tyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Thyroid is the endocrine gland situated under Adam’s apple. By secreting thyroid hormones, it regulates the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems’ activity as well as the basal metabolism. Therefore,…