Functionarea normala a sistemului imunitar este vitala pentru sanatatea organismului uman. Rolul sau este de a proteja organismul de agentii patogeni din mediu: bacterii, virusuri, ciuperci, protozoare si paraziti, dar si de a participa la distrugerea si eliminarea celulelor disfunctionale, moarte sau tumorale.
Desi este supus permanent influentelor din mediu extern, in conditii normale de mediu, sistemul imunitar creeaza o bariera ce nu va permite agentilor patogeni din mediu sa patrunda in organism.
Insa, atunci cand imunitatea este suprasolicitata, aceasta bariera imunitara cedeaza iar agentii patogeni din mediu si alti factori nocivi ataca organismul, provocand afectiuni de diverse tipologii. Suprasolicitarea imunitatii survine in urma inaspririi conditiilor de mediu si a poluarii, din cauza diminuarii cantitatii de oxigen la nivel planetar, alterarii stratului de ozon, cresterii nivelului de radiatii solare si cosmice. Lipsa de oxigen din atmosfera este una dintre cauzele ce favorizeaza dezvoltarea unor noi tulpini de virusuri, cu o agresivitate ridicata si rezistenta marita la medicatia existenta. Stilul de viata alert, stresul si alimentatia neadecvata au, de asemnea, efecte negative asupra imunitatii.
Primul sistem afectatat, in asemenea conditii de mediu, este cel endocrin. Disfunctiile endocrine si tulburarile hormonale vor determina brese in bariera imunitara de la nivelul pielii si a mucoaselor. Agentii patogeni si toxinele ce au patruns in organism altereaza activitatea pulmonara, trecand in sange si atacand ficatul si ulterior rinichii. Aceasta incarcatura va tulbura si functiile inimii, fenomen ce va reduce oxigenarea organismului, in special in zona cerebrala. Scaderea oxigenarii ingreuneaza toate functiile fiziologice, iar reducerea oxigenarii cerebrale va produce tulburarii ale functiilor cognitive si alterarea comunicarii dintre creier si organe.
Restabilirea echilibrului imunitar si a barierei imunitare necesita in primul rand identificarea glandei endocrine afectata cel mai puternic si normalizarea functiilor acesteia, cat si a intregului sistem endocrin. La nivel pulmonar se actioneaza in vederea eliminarii toxinelor acumulate si a tratarii leziunilor produse de agentii patogeni. Prin fortifierea ficatului si a rinichilor se obtine reechilibrarea functiilor hepatice si renale, dar se amplifica si eliminarea toxinelor, a agentilor patogeni si a produsilor metabolici din organism.
Tratamentul prin acupunctura are in vederea stimularea energetica a sistemului endocrin, pulmonar, a ficatului, rinichilor si a inimii, iar produsele din plante medicinale actioneaza pentru detoxifierea si purificarea sangelui si a organelor, imbunatatirea oxigenarii celulare, revigorarea si regenerarea tesuturilor si organelor afectate. Restabilirea functiilor imunitare va permite ca celulele moarte sau disfunctionale din organism sa fie eliminate corespunzator, astfel incat acestea vor fi inlocuite cu altele noi prin utilizarea informatiei genetice dintr-o celula sanatoasa.
*Acest tip de tratament este disponibil doar in cadrul Centrului de Medicina Traditionala Pirasan
*Rezultatele tratamentelor variaza de la pacient la pacient chiar si in aceeasi afectiune pentru ca fiecare pacient este diferit, fiecare organism are particularitatile sale.
The normal functioning of the immune system is vital for the human body’s health. Its role is to protect the body from the pathogen agents in the environment: bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and parasites, but also to take part in the destruction and elimination of the dysfunctional, dead or tumor cells.
Although continuously subject to the influences from the outer environment, under normal environmental conditions, the immune system makes a barrier that will prevent the pathogen agents in the environment from entering the body.
But, when immunity is overworked, this immune barrier gives in and the pathogen agents in the environment and other harmful factors attack the body, triggering diseases of various typologies. The overworked immunity occurs as a result of harshened environmental conditions and pollution, due to the diminishing of the oxygen amount at planetary level, deterioration of the ozone layer, and the rise in the solar and cosmic radiation level. The lack of oxygen in the atmosphere is one of the causes fostering the development of a number of new virus strains of high aggressiveness and increased resistance to the existing medication. Also the alert lifestyle, stress and an unhealthy diet have harmful effects on immunity.
In such environmental conditions, the endocrine system is the first affected. The endocrine dysfunctions and the hormonal disorders will give birth to breaches in the immune barrier at skin and mucous membranes level. The pathogen agents and the toxins that have entered the body deteriorate the pulmonary activity, passing into the bloodstream and attacking the liver and later the kidneys. This load will also disturb the heart’s functions, a phenomenon that will reduce the body’s oxygenation, especially in the cerebral area. The diminished oxygenation makes all physiological functions difficult while the diminished cerebral oxygenation will bring about disorders of the cognitive functions and deteriorated communication between brain and organs.
In order to recover the immune balance and the immune barrier it takes firstly to identify the most affected endocrine gland and to normalize its functions as well as the entire endocrine system. At pulmonary level the physician must act to eliminate the accumulated toxins and to treat the lesions caused by the pathogen agents. By fortifying the liver and the kidneys not only the hepatic and renal functions are rebalanced but also the removal is increased of the toxins, of the pathogen agents and of the metabolic products in the body.
The treatment by acupuncture aims at the energy stimulation of the endocrine and the pulmonary systems, of the liver, the kidneys and the heart, whereas the herbal products act for the detoxification and purification of the blood and the organs; improved cell oxygenation; reinvigoration and regeneration of the affected tissues and organs. The recovery of the immune functions will allow for the dead or the dysfunctional cells in the body to be properly removed, so they can be replaced with new ones by using a healthy cell’s genetic information.
* This type of treatment is available only at Pirasan Centre of Traditional Medicine
* The results of the treatment vary from patient to patient even with the same disease, because each patient is unique; each body has its specificity.