Virozele respiratorii, provocate de tulpinile actuale, prezinta risc ridicat de infectiozitate si favorizeaza declansarea unor procese patologice mult mai complexe. In viitorul apropiat vom asista la cresterea agresivitatii agentilor virali, intrucat se produc frecvent mutatii ale tulpinilor virale, ceea ce favorizeaza rezistenta acestora la medicatie alopata.
Rolul medicatiei alopate este de a stopa dezvoltarea acestor microorganisme in corpul bolnavului, insa nu sustin si nu mentin capacitatea de aparare naturala a corpului uman.
Cele mai afectate vor fi persoanele ce prezinta dezechilibre imunitare, persoanele varstnice si copiii, persoanele care lucreaza in comunitati mari sau care au contactat cu foarte multi oameni zilnic, cat si cele care sufera de diverse afectiuni ce slabesc imunitatea generala.
Schimbarile pe care un virus le produce in organism sunt foarte complexe. Virusurile ataca sistemul respirator si creeaza conditiile pentru declansarea unor afectiuni mai complexe. Disfunctiile si tulburarile produse de virusuri in organism pot fi prevenite si tratate prin amplificarea activitatii imunitare generale si specifice, echilibrarea activitatii organelor implicate in activitatea imunitara (timus, splina-pancreas etc.), intarirea barierei imunitare de la nivelul pielii, al plamanilor, al cailor respiratorii superioare si din jurul fiecarui organ in parte.
De obicei, virozele respiratorii debuteaza prin inflamarea mucoasei nazale (rinita) si a faringelui (faringita), secretii nazale apoase, stranut, tuse, stare subfebrila sau febrila, dureri de cap sau/si in zona cefei (cefalee). In ultimii ani a crescut frecventa extinderii infectiilor catre zona pulmonara sau aparatul ORL. In primul rand din cauza mutatiilor genetice anterior mentionate; in plus o singura tuplina de virus poate produce manifestari diferite si stabilirea unei medicatii corecte devine dificila. In plus, la nivel global, se remarca o deteriorare a imunitatii populatiei, in special in marile aglomerari urbane.
Aceasta scadere a capacitatii naturale de aparare a organismului este cauzata de distrugerea scuturilor de protectie planetara si a mediului de inconjurator, defrisarea masiva a padurilor, reducerea cantitatii de oxigen din atmosfera si de gradul ridicat de poluare. In acest context, prin circulatia curentilor de aer si din cauza variatiilor bruste de temperatura, se produc permanent mutatii ale virusurilor, mutatii incontrolabile si imprevizibile, intre virusuri animale si virusuri umane.
Pentru a proteja organismul uman intr-un asemenea mediu, este necesar sa fie reactivate si intarite barierele naturale de protectie ale corpului uman cu ajutorul plantelor medicinale si al acupuncturii. Rolul acupuncturii, in schemele de tratament traditionale, este de a amplifica si directiona actiunea substantelor curative din formulele fitoterapeutice. Insa, baza tratamentelor este formula fitoterapeutica, administrata sub forma de extract. Acupunctura, daca nu este sustinuta prin actiunea plantelor medicinale, are efecte temporare (amelioreaza simptomatologia afectiunii dar nu trateaza fondul generator). De asemenea, plantele medicinale sunt singurele care mentin si intretin viata pe aceasta planeta in momentul actual, sunt singurele care au o structura genetica stabila si pastreaza in ele substante bioactive capabile sa ajute corpul uman. Aceste elemente bioactive actioneaza pentru regenerarea tesuturilor si organelor, armonizeaza functiile metabolice si imunitare, stabilizeaza si imbunatatesc circulatia sangvina, elimina toxinele si reziduurile celulare acumulate in corp de-a lungul timpului, asigura o mai buna functionare a organismului ca ansamblu.
Corelate cu adjustari ale stilului alimentar si cu respectarea unei conduite igienice adecvate, aceste tratamente traditionale sporesc protectia imunitara naturala si sustin organismul in lupta impotriva agentilor patogeni.
*Acest tip de tratament este disponibil doar in cadrul Centrului de Medicina Traditionala Pirasan
*Rezultatele tratamentelor variaza de la pacient la pacient chiar si in aceeasi afectiune pentru ca fiecare pacient este diferit, fiecare organism are particularitatile sale.
The respiratory viroses caused by the present strains pose a high risk of infectivity and help triggering a number of much more complex pathological processes. In the near future we will witness an increased aggressiveness of the viral agents, as mutations of the viral strains are frequently taking place, which helps them resist allopathic medication.
The role of allopathic medication is to arrest the growth of the respective microorganisms in the patient’s body, but they do not support and maintain the human body’s natural defence capacity.
The most affected ones will be the persons with immune disorders, elderly people and children, people working in large communities or those who come in contact with a lot of individuals daily as well as those suffering from various diseases that weaken the overall immunity.
The changes a virus causes in a body are very complex. Viruses attack the respiratory system, creating conditions for the triggering of a number of more complex diseases. The dysfunctions and disorders caused by viruses in a body can be prevented and treated by increasing the overall and specific immune activity (thymus, spleen-pancreas, etc.), by strengthening the immune barrier present at the level of the skin, the lungs, the upper airways and around each particular organ.
Usually respiratory viroses start by an inflamed mucosa of the nose (rhinitis) and of the pharynx (pharyngitis), watery nasal secretions, sneezing, coughing, subfebrile or febrile condition, headaches, or/and nape aches (cephalalgia). Over the last years the frequency has increased in the migration of the infections toward the pulmonary area or the ENT apparatus. It was firstly due to the previously mentioned genetic mutations; furthermore, a merely one virus strain can cause different manifestations, which makes it difficult to decide upon a proper medication. Besides, at a global level one can see deterioration in the immunity of the population, especially in the large urban clusters.
This decrease in the body’s natural defence capacity is caused by the destruction of the planetary and environmental protection shields, the massive deforestation, the decrease in the oxygen amount in the atmosphere and the high pollution level. In this context, through the circulation of the air currents and because of the steep variations in temperature, viruses mutations are continuously taking place, uncontrollable and unpredictable mutations between animal and human viruses.
In order to protect the human body in such an environment, the natural protection barriers of the human body must be reactivated and strengthened with the help of medicinal herbs and acupuncture. In the traditional treatment schemes, the role of acupuncture is to increase and guide the action of the curing substances in the phytotherapeutical formulae. However, the essence of the various treatments is the phytotherapeutical formula, administered in the extract form. Unless backed by the action of the medicinal herbs, acupuncture has temporary effects (it alleviates the symptomatology of the disease but it does not treat the generating cause). Furthermore, the medicinal herbs are the only things that maintain and support life at the present moment; they are the only things that have a stable genetic structure and hold bioactive substances able to help the human body. These bioactive elements act for the regeneration of the tissues and the organs; they harmonise the metabolic and immune functions; they stabilize and improve blood circulation; they remove toxins and cell residues accumulated in the body along time; they ensure a better functioning of the body as a whole.
Supplemented with adjustments of the alimentary style, and with the observance of a proper hygienic conduct, these traditional treatments increase the natural immune protection and support the body in the fight against pathogen agents.
*This type of treatment is available only at the Pirasan Centre of Traditional Medicine
*The results of the treatment vary from patient to patient even with the same disease, because each patient is unique; each body has its specificity.