Hypoglycemia is the disorder of the body defined by its incapacity of metabolising the carbohydrates; it is characterized by a low level of glucids, lower than normal, in the blood. Taking into account that glucose is very important for the optimum function of the brain, its decreased level causes discomfort at the level of the central nervous system and its dysfunction. The factors that influence the drop of the glycemia in the blood are preserved foodstuffs, sugar, coffee and other things of the kind.
The previously mentioned substances are absorbed quickly into the bloodstream, causing instability of the glucids. When sweets are consumed in excess, the blood sugar level raises; the pancreas secretes more insulin and in this way drops the blood sugar level.
Hypoglycemia causes stress, which is betrayed by various symptoms, such as: fatigue, headaches, vision disorders, allergy to foodstuffs and chemicals, emotional instability, nervousness and mood shifting, disorientation, chronic fungus infection and even asthma. People often don’t understand that hypoglycemia is the cause of these symptoms. Ignoring them may take the patient to the threshold of a tragic situation.
Once the patient has been diagnosed, he or she must go to a traditional medicine clinic; the traditional medicine specialist will decide upon the therapeutic programme, respectively acupuncture sessions; herbal extracts and alimentary diet during and after the treatment.