As times passes, your skin looses beauty and elasticity. It is any woman’s dream to keep her skin and complexion young for as long as possible. Yet the action of the harmful environment factors and the biological aging processes of the body affect the aspect of skin.
In response to the needs of the women all over the world, the cosmetic industry and plastic surgery have developed many methods to treat aging signs and wrinkles.
For thousands of years, the traditional medicine has provided the healthiest and most efficient solutions to prevent, fight and treat aging sings, wrinkles and other unaesthetic signs specific for each age category.
One of this is the facial lifting done by acupuncture and herb cosmetic products. The benefits of this type of lifting are obvious:
- it is painless and non-invasive
- epithelium cells and skin structure are regenerated by activating the healing resources of a the body
- by activating certain acupuncture points, are also treated the internal diseases that generated the structure disorders on skin surface, thus eliminating their causes
- the process works both at the surface and in the depth of skin; thus, the effects are long lasting and the treatment doesn’t have to be repeated at short periods of time.
* the products contained in the treatment plan are 100% natural, as they are made from herb combinations and cosmetic vaseline (the most efficient cosmetic base to preserve and maintain the curing effects of the herbs).
Why do age signs and wrinkles appear?
Wrinkles and other specific signs are aging process effects caused by the dehydration and sclerosis of the dermic cells.
Although cells are constantly replaced by new ones, the wrinkles will continue to appear because the new cells will be formed based on the information provided by the replaced ones.
The dehydration and sclerosis process may have several causes: scars, mechanical injuries, and functional disorders of the brain area responsible for the affected area of skin. By their presence, scars break the energy circuit. In a chain reaction, the discontinuity spreads over the entire body, and it may involve all skin in time. Where a mechanical injury occurs, a great many local chemical reactions take place, which eventually leads to deterioration of DNA information. This process has been scientifically proven by computerized thermography studies.
As a result of psychical or emotional traumas, the brain may cause vasoconstriction of the blood vessels irrigating certain skin areas of the body. Therefore toxins and metabolic products are stuck at cellular level and cell oxygenation and nourishing are greatly reduced.
If no action is taken, in time this it will lead to sclerosis or aging of the cells in the respective area.
How does acupuncture act?
Acupuncture detoxifies skin by adjusting the local metabolism. The process implies intensification of micro circulation at skin level, which – at cell level – leads to increasing the supply of oxygen, water, vitamins, oligoelements, energy etc.
At the same time, elimination of toxins and metabolic products is more efficient. Thus, cell metabolism works at optimum level and complexion recovers the features of a healthy skin: hydration, elasticity, velvet texture, shine.
How do creams act?
The whole skin surface is a reflexogenic area, containing the projections of the internal organs. By local accumulation of toxins, disorder occurs in the projected organ. The protection provided by skin in the respective area is cancelled and skin no longer acts as a shield against the harmful factors of environment.
By combining the action of herbs at external level and the properties of their active substances, we have developed a line of cosmetic products that act upon the energy meridians and acupoints in the same way as acupuncture does.
The changes occurred for the purpose of healing take place through the active participation of the cerebral hemisphere corresponding to the affected skin area.
The creams act as a protective film against the harmful factors of environment, shielding the affected areas and supporting the process of cell recovery and regeneration. By this barrier, skin is automatically protected also from the action of the ultraviolet radiations.
Pirasan Nourishing Cream
Pirasan Nourishing is a product cream for care of all skin and complexion types. This product preserves the miracle properties of the active substances in the herbs by its 100% natural content and manufacturing method.
It acts within the depth of skin, eliminating both the causes and the unaesthetic effects of the imbalances in the body. As effects, its special formula adjusts cell metabolism and protects against the harmful factors of environment (such as sun radiations, pollution, high differences of temperature etc.).
It is an ideal care product for babies, as it prevents and fights the occurrence of irritations. Also, it prevents and fights specific affections of pregnancy and birth: cellulite, stretch marks etc.
Pirasan Nourishing is a adjutant factor also in fighting affections that dehydrate the skin tissue: irritations, stretch marks, cellulite, psoriasis, lupus etc.
Pirasan Anti-Aging Cream
Pirasan Anti-aging Cream is a product meant for care of the skin and complexion that show aging signs. The cream preserves the miracle properties of the active substances in the herbs by its 100% natural content and manufacturing method.
It acts within the depth of skin, eliminating the wrinkles and the aging signs by reestablishing the optimum hydration, invigoration and elasticity level. Its special formula has a revitalizing, nourishing, anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effect.
Following through the usage recommendations, visible results will appear within about a week.
Pirasan Anti-Acne Cream
Pirasan Anti-acne Cream is a product made to fight acne and the marks left by this affection. The cream preserves the miracle properties of the active substances in the herbs by its manufacturing method and 100% natural content.
It acts within the depth of skin structure, eliminating both the causes and the unaesthetic effects of the imbalances in the body. Its special formula has a vaso-dilating, nourishing, anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effect. The information contained takes the following path: skin-brain-affected organ-skin, thus acquiring long lasting results without adverse effects.