Corpul uman acumuleaza foarte multe surplusuri, de care nu are nevoie. Nu are nevoie si nu functioneaza corect cu surplusurile acumulate. In conditiile acestea, este nevoie de o dieta mai restrictiva. Ce inseamna asta? Asta inseamna sa elimini grasimile, sa elimini dulciurile si multe altele, cum ar fi zaharul, cartofii, orezul, faina si sa bei foarte multe lichide ziua. Seara cand nu mai sunt razele solare sa consumi fructe, ca sa se dezintoxice organismul si sa echilibrezi prin pierderi de grasime, corpul. In grasimi se acumuleaza cele mai multe celule moarte. Acumlandu-se acolo, ele distrug corpul, inclusiv vederea, auzul si multe altele. Dietele de obicei sunt o data la trei luni, timp de sapte zile. Daca poti sa faci o data la sase luni 21 de zile, ar fi ideal. Daca poti o data pe an sa faci detoxifiere timp de 40 de zile, ar fi fantastic, fiindca corpul va fi mereu echilibrat. Nu fac diete oameni care au boli cronice. Ei pot face diete, dar trebuie urmarite de un cadru medical. Nu pot face diete copiii si gravidele, cu conditia ca cei maturi sa stie cum sa alimenteze un copil, sa aiba o educatie necesara, nu sa il transforme in obez, ci sa-i dea caloriile necesare pentru varsta lui. Dupa varsta de 11 ani, copilul poate sa faca diete de trei zile consecutiv, tot anul, o data la trei luni.
Corpul trebuie revigorat. Ca sa fie si sangele oxigenat foarte bine, o data pe an, oamenii trebuie sa faca o donare de sange, ca sa poata sa existe o schimbare, ca sangele sa nu fie ingrosat, sa nu-si schimbe culoarea. Corpul uman trebuie intretinut in conditii optime, nu se foloseste pana la epuizare si nu sta in repaus fiindca daca e folosit pana la epuizare sau daca sta in repaus, riscul ca sa inceapa procesul de imbatranire, este de o suta de procente. Corpul trebuie folosit in conditii optime, conform capacitatii lui de functionare.
Medicina traditionala este un tezaur pentru civilizatia moderna.
Corpul uman este un perpetuum. Trebuie ingrijit ca sa functioneze corect. Aceasta este concluzia. Orice surplus naste focare. Focarele nasc afectiuni. Afectiunile aduc imbatranirea, or imbatranirea moartea. Simplu ca buna ziua. Corpul uman trebuie mentinut in parametri corecti.
Nu trebuie sa bagi in tine tot ce-ti pica, fara sa te gandesti ce consume. Postul nu a fost inventat pentru altceva, decat pentru intretinerea corpului in parametri optimi.
Postul poate fi intrerupt, in anumite conditii. Conditiile sunt urmatoarele: daca persoana care tine post se imbolnaveste sau daca intervine o ameteala care persista. Asta inseamna ca corpul nu mai are nevoie de purificare, fiindca a obtinut ceea ce avea nevoie. Aici nu se mai poate vorbi despre intrerupere de post, ci despre sfarsitul postului, fiindca nu mai ai nevoie de post daca intervine ameteala. Corpul incepe sa sufere, si in cazul acesta, in loc sa-i faci bine, incepi sa-i daunezi.
Profesor Doctor Mavrino
Detoxifying – Preparing the Body for Health
The human body accumulates a lot of unnecessary surpluses. It does not need and it does not function properly with these. Under these circumstances, it calls for a more restrictive diet. What does this mean? It means for you to give up fats, sweets and many other things, such as sugar, potatoes, rice, flour and for you to drink a large amount of fluids by day. In the evening, when the sunrays are gone, you should eat fruit to help your body detoxify and – by losing fats – to balance your body. Most of the dead cells are deposited in your fats. When they have been accumulated there, they destroy the body, inclusively the sight, the hearing and many others. Usually, the diets are kept once every three months for seven days. If you can keep a twenty-one – day diet every six months it would be an ideal thing. If you can go through a forty-day detoxification once a year it would be downright fantastic, for your body would be always balanced.
People with chronic diseases must not keep diets. They can keep diets provided they are monitored by a healthcare professional. Children and pregnant women must not keep diets, unless the adults know what to feed a child; unless they have the necessary education to prevent him from growing into an obese, and to give him the necessary calories for his age. After the age of eleven, a child can keep diets for three consecutive days every three months all the year round.
The body needs to be reinvigorated. In order to have also the blood very well oxygenated, once a year people should donate blood so there can be a change, to prevent blood from thickening and changing its color. The human body must be maintained in optimal conditions: it must not be worked to the brink of exhaustion and it must not stay idle, for if it is used to the brink of exhaustion or if it stays idle there is one hundred percent risk for the ageing process to develop. The body must be used in optimal conditions, according to its functioning capacity.
Traditional medicine is a treasure for the modern civilisation.
The human body is a perpetuum. It needs to be tended to function properly. This is the conclusion. Any surplus gives birth to hotbeds. Hotbeds give birth to diseases. Diseases bring ageing, and ageing death. It is as simple as that. The human body must be kept within proper parameters.
You must not eat everything you get without thinking of what you eat. Fasting was invented for the sole reason of maintaining the body within optimal parameters.
Fasting can only be paused under certain circumstances: if the fasting person gets ill or a persisting dizziness occurs. This shows that the body no longer needs purification, for it has got everything it needed. In this instance the fasting must not be paused but ended, for no longer do you need fasting should dizziness occur. The body begins to suffer and in this case instead of doing it good you start harming it.
Professor Doctor Mavrino