
Verrucas (warts) develop as a result of infections and viruses that go through the immune system of the body and destroy the T-cells (which are are cells created to fight this type of viruses). Where the immune system is weakened, the viruses can grow small-sized formations on the skin. The verrucas growing from the inside…

Respiratory virosis

Respiratory viroses caused by present viral strains are more infectious than ever and they bias the onset of much more complex pathological processes later in life. In the near future we are going to witness an alarming increase in the viral and bacterial aggressiveness, as the present strains undergo permanent genetic mutations which increases the…


Vitiligo or leukoderma is a skin disease manifested by the progressive development of cutaneous depigmentations in the shape of patches or spots. Vitiligo may occur at any age and it has a different evolution: in some people depigmentations may stop for years. Vitiligo is not a contagious disease and it cannot be transmitted by physical…


Usually, bronchitis is caused by a viral agent. It develops by an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the bronchi (airways carrying the inhaled air to the lungs). In its acute form, it occurs after an infection  of the respiratory tract or following a respiratory virosis or sinus infection that has not been properly treated.…

Acupuncture During Pregnancy

Acupuncture and phytotherapy help pregnant women get through their pregnancy more easily, but especially they help fetus develop harmoniously by revigorating mother’s body and metabolism and by improving her immune functions. They also treat pregnancy-related complications, such as: risk of miscarriage, gestational diabetes, toxemia of pregnancy , preecclampsia, respiratory viroses, urinary infections, iron-deficiency anemia, etc.…

Cervical Hernia – B.N. (45 years, MAN)

Diagnosis: Cervical disc hernia Before treatment the patient acuses acute pains in the cervical area of the spine, difficulties in neck mobility, numbness of the right upper limb and difficulty in coordinating his movements, headaches, nausea and fatigue, descreased concentration and memory, disorders of balance. Currently the patient is still under treatment, headaches in the…


Autism is another condition consuming parents’ lives and raising controversies in the human society. In the first months of life, a baby is not aware of the world around it. But a child will grow and, with the passing of time, will also grow an individual’s thirst for knowledge. Certain children have not developed a…

Cerebral Atrophy

Cerebral atrophy defines any morphological and functional degeneration of the brain tissue that is caused by the destruction of the nerve cells and of the neuronal junctions. As the atrophy process has become generalized, involving the entire brain structure, the following become obvious: dehydration of the brain tissue as well as its reduced size. In…


Atherosclerosis is a disorder of the cardio-vascular system defined by depositions of adipose elements, calcium, cholesterol and other blood elements or dead cells on the internal arterial walls, which cause severe complications jeopardizing the patient’s life: myocardial infarction, cerebral vascular accident, aneurysm, arteriosclerosis obliterans etc. Atherosclerosis has a slow and stealthy development, over many years…