Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of mortality in the world as well as in Romania. The risk of falling ill decreases with your undergoing cardiovascular invigoration treatments.
Why Is It Essential for Us to Have a Healthy Circulatory System?
The circulatory system plays a vital part in maintaining a body healthy, as all the organs and the tissues are supplied with oxygen, minerals and nutrients through blood. Artery tension and cardiac rate are also factors influencing our metabolism and immunity. For instance, a strong immunity requires a constant artery tension. At the same time, all the areas of the circulatory system must be healthy in order that the metabolic processes could develop with maximum efficiency.
The optimum circulation of the blood depends on the integrity of the circulatory system structure. If there are any deposits in arteries, their elasticity and permeability are affected; therefore, the transit of the oxygen and of the nutrients will be deficient, too. At the same time, toxins and metabolic products are no longer discharged, and they will accumulate in the areas with poor blood circulation, a fact that will cause metabolic and immune system disorders. Later, the respective organ or tissue will get sick, as a result of the metabolic disorder and of the destruction of the immune barrier caused by the attack of the pathogen environmental agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites) and as a result of the deterioration of the respective organ or tissue.
Should there be a heart disease, the circulatory disorders or the occlusion of certain blood vessels generate cardiac ischemia and pose a risk of myocardial infarction. The ischemic cardiac area does not receive enough supplies any more to be able to maintain its healthy rate of function. In order to make for this cardiac deficiency, the cardiac muscle will make an extra effort. If the situation lasts, and the patient does not undergo a treatment for his cardiac ischemia, he will develop cardiac hypertrophy (the cardiac tissue grows in size), a pathological alteration of the cardiac muscle threatening the patient’s life.
The cardiac diseases also disturb the blood flow: the sequences of pumping blood towards the arteries are broken, discontinuous (intermittent); moreover, there occur a number of minor turbulences in the blood flow. These micro turbulences will cause thickening of the arterial walls as well as their sclerosis. Under certain circumstances, if one of the coatings of the arterial vessel falls apart, the micro turbulences bias occurrence of aneurysms.
How Do the Cardiovascular Invigoration Treatments Act?
First of all, the active substances of the medicinal herbs “cleanse” the arteries’ and veins’ walls of the toxins, dead cells, metabolic residues and fats deposited along time. The structure of the vascular walls is invigorated by re-energizing the meridians that govern the cardiovascular system. The respective procedures will ensure the permeability and the elasticity of the veins and the arteries, properties that enable a proper functioning of the metabolic exchanges and the good discharge of toxins and metabolic compounds from the body. Blood composition is improved by eliminating these toxins and the metabolic products, and by regenerating the tissues involved in the production of blood. Thus, there will be an increased efficiency in the supply with oxygen and other nutrients of the organs and the tissues; the metabolic exchanges and the immune system will work within normal parameters.
By regenerating the venous and arterial system, the activity of the cardiac muscle will be normalized, too. Where there is cardiac ischemia, if the tissue has not been entirely affected, the ischemic areas will be perfused again, so that the structure and the functions of the affected areas should be normalized. Where there are severe cardiac ischemias, there will be applied cardiac muscle regeneration procedures by using stem cells. The ischemic tissues are replaced by new cardiac cells. Once the ischemic area is treated, the cardiac activity will become stable and the heart will function within normal parameters.
Whom Is This Treatment For?
First of all, it is for the patients who are already suffering from cardiovascular diseases; it is meant to treat their actual disease, to balance the metabolic exchanges, to recover the immune functions and to regenerate the damaged tissues.
It is for the persons with high risk of cardiovascular diseases: old people, people with a high cholesterol level, people working in a very stressful environment, fat people or people with alimentary disorders threatening their health, people with a history of cardiovascular diseases in their families. It is for those people who want to guard their health and their intellectual capacity (improvement of their cerebral blood circulation will maximize their cognitive functions and increase the activity of their brains and, implicitly, their professional and social performances). It is for people with sexual disorders, especially for men (impotence and sexual dynamic disorders are caused by a faulty function of the circulatory system in most of the cases).
The treatments are also meant for people already suffering from cardiovascular diseases or from disorders of the cardiovascular system, disorders that are not caused by a cardiovascular disease but show nevertheless certain dysfunctions. Early treatment of these dysfunctions will eliminate the risk of disease and will restore the functions of the circulatory system. Such dysfunctions generate a number of symptoms: cardiac rate disorders (arrhythmias, palpitations), oscillating artery tension, variations in body temperature (alternating sensations of hot and cold), sweating palms and soles, hyper emotivity, dizziness, constraint/pain/numbness in the thoracic area, restless sleep, inexplicable fatigue, edemas (accumulation of liquid in the tissues) in the lower limbs, dispnea, cough, hemoptysis etc.