Diseases of the Respiratory System

Many of us breathe without even thinking of this act. And it is only normal this way, but – if for some people breathing comes easily, for other people it is very difficult. Breathing problems and how we breathe may start with a slight breathing discomfort, namely breathing is more labored and it takes a…


Phobias are irrational fears caused by various places, things or situations. The human being affected by this disease feels instinctive panic when confronted with the object or the reason of his or her fear. There are several types of phobias. The most common ones, phobias that 20% of the Earth’s population suffers from, are those…

Thyroid cancer

Development of a malignant tumor in the thyroid disturbs the thyroid functions and generates hormonal disorders that will affect the body profoundly. The thyroid is situated in front of the trachea. By the thyroid hormones, it coordinates cardiac rate, artery tension, body temperature; activity of the basal metabolism and of the lipid metabolism; level of…

Colorectal cancer

The types of cancer originating in rectum or anus are known as colorectal cancer. The first formations are adenomatous polyps of small sizes or pre-cancerous lesions, of feeble even absent symptomatology. The symptoms may be late in appearing, even after the respective polyps or lesions have turned into neoplasic formations. Symptoms After the symptoms have…