Medicina traditionala scandinava


The traditions of the Northern and Scandinavian countries and of the Vikings are at the same time very interesting and rich in feats, accomplishments and innovations. The above-mentioned three refer to the peoples of Iceland, Denmark, Norway and Scotland. Finland has other traditions, slightly different ones, but it also has common traditions with the ones…

Medicina traditionala tibetana


Five thousands years ago, a medical system with undeniable results and efficiency developed in Tibet. The methods and techniques of the therapists of the age brought a major contribution to the therapy system; they differentiated from the traditional methods of other cultures by certain particular features. In the treatment of diseases and to recover the…


The good order of the immune system is vital for the health of the human body. Its role is to protect the body against the pathogen agents from the environment: bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans and parasites, but also to take part in the destruction and elimination of he dysfunctional, dead or tumoral cells. Although constantly…

Natural remedy of the gall bladder cancer

Gall bladder cancer is the most common form of hepatobiliary cancer; it poses a high threat of invasivity and disemination, coupled with a high mortality risk. Despite these negative aspects, the treatment of gallbladder cancer in the traditional medicine gives chances of recovery, even where the metastatic process has begun. The association of several types…


Tumefactions of the thyroid gland, the thyroid nodules are the most common disease of the endocrine system, affecting both men and women. In most cases they are benign tumors, but there is also a risk of malignization (in particular contexts). Therefore a proper treatment is recommended, even in the case of the benign nodules, firstly…

Ulcer peptic -


Ulcer is defined as a disease of the skin or of the mucous membranes, manifested in the form of lesions that do not cicatrize, with tendency towards suppuration and growth. It is found in all ages under various forms of manifestation, but lately there has been recorded a higher incidence of peptic ulcer in young…

Dr.Tutu Codrut Pirasan Medicina Traditionala

Dr. Țuțu Codruț

Specialist Acupunctura, Apifitoterapie, Oncologie si Psihologie Medicala “Practic acupunctura si alte tehnici de tratament traditional, din convingerea ca suferintele semenilor mei pot fi tratate prin metode neinvazive, nedureroase, care ajuta corpul sa se regenereze si sa se vindece. Imi desfasor activitatea cu profesionalism si cu daruire si cred in capacitatea mea, ca om si ca…

Consiliere psihologică

Consilierea psihologica medicala este asociata complexului de terapii traditionale pentru a ajuta bolnavul sa inteleaga manifestarile si mecanismele bolii cu care se confrunta, pentru a reduce stresul situatiei in sine dar si a evenimentelor cotidiene. De asemenea, fiecare afectiune are la origine si o componenta psihologica. Orice perturbare a echilibrului psihic produce pe suprafata cerebrala…

Termoterapie Tibetană

Termoterapie tibetană sau terapia cu foc este utilizata de mii de ani in Tibet pentru tratarea si vindecarea mai multor boli, ca tratament de intretinere sau cu rol profilactic. Samanii ameridieni utilizau in acelasi scop tehnici similare. In conceptia medicinei tibetane, focul purifica, fiind unul dintre cele 5 elemente esentiale ale organismului si simbol al…