A new protein with potential to modify brain functions
Ut eu elit vel massa malesuada ornare in id magna. Vivamus pellentesque pulvinar porta. Curabitur cursus condimentum ex non aliquam!
Ut eu elit vel massa malesuada ornare in id magna. Vivamus pellentesque pulvinar porta. Curabitur cursus condimentum ex non aliquam!
Ut eu elit vel massa malesuada ornare in id magna. Vivamus pellentesque pulvinar porta. Curabitur cursus condimentum ex non aliquam!
Morbi consequat, neque tincidunt auctor mattis, libero augue molestie nulla, at dapibus urna libero nec dolor. Aliquam venenatis magna eu libero finibus malesuada.
Morbi consequat, neque tincidunt auctor mattis, libero augue molestie nulla, at dapibus urna libero nec dolor. Aliquam venenatis magna eu libero finibus malesuada.
Unevolved spirit and soul cannot keep and they cannot get accustomed to an immortal body – even if they have one, they destroy it. (Mavrino – the greatest master of traditional medicine). Earth was prepared for settlement many million years ago. From various reasons, they had tested and checked it for a long time, before,…
“Sufletul si spiritul neevoluat nu pot pastra si nu se pot obisnui cu un corp nemuritor – chiar daca il au, il distrug.” (Mavrino – cel mai mare maestru in medicina traditionala) Planeta Terra a fost pregatita pentru populare acum multe milioane de ani. Din diferite considerente, ea a fost indelung testata si verificata pana…
Herpes affects 80% of the Earth’s population. It has various forms and manifestations. In the past, herpes held the first position in the list of viruses, but – because of the gravity and complexity of HIV (the AIDS inflicting virus), this latter one moved to the first position in the ranking. The sexual revolution of…
The diagnosing methods in traditional medicine are neither painful nor invasive; they do not cause any discomfort and they have a very high degree of accuracy and efficiency. By means of bio-scanning, thermography and pulse interpretation the necessary information is achieved to determine a right diagnosis and an efficient treatment. ETM consultation – diagnosing by…
ACUPUNCTURE AND HERBAL MEDICINE – QUEENS OF TRADITIONAL MEDICINE Acupuncture is a complex system of diagnosing, treatment and prevention of diseases. It holds a special place among traditional therapies. Many theories try to explain the mechanisms by which acupuncture helps the human body regenerate and heal itself, in a miraculous way in most of the…