Medicina traditionala a rezistat istoriei prin faptul ca provine din nenumaratele experiente ale generatiilor intregi, din veac in veac, mileniu dupa mileniu, din traditii, este acum si vine de la inceput, precum si prin actualitatea ei si acum ca si atunci. Noi, ca generatie actuala, suntem obligati sa pastram intact acest tezaur numit medicina traditionala si, daca nu putem sa-l imbunatatim si sa-l imbogatim, suntem obligati sa-l predam in aceeasi stare si urmatoarelor generatii.
O fiinta umana poate dovedi ca exista in conditiile in care intelege ca la orizont exista alb si negru, intuneric si zi, departe si aproape, obiect sau umbra si isi explica ce sunt toate acestea: reflexie, culori, lumini sau Creatie si in functie de ce este, sa ne faca si pe noi sa intelegem. O fiinta umana poate alege sa existe in alb sau in negru. Este dreptul ei sa o faca, numai ca in alb te dezvolti, muncesti si creezi, ori in negru te odihnesti.
Primii oameni au intrat in Imparatia Cerurilor fara greseli. Urmatoarea generatie a intrat in Imparatia Cerurilor cu sarcina pe jumatate indeplinita si cu jumatate de greseli, din cauza faptului ca nu a inteles intocmai si nu a preluat exact invatamantul primilor oameni. Noi, cei de acum, necunoscand traditia, asa de mult am gresit, ca nu avem decat sa asteptam judecata de apoi, cu toate consecintele greselilor noastre. Noi ne-am permis sa iertam, ne-am permis sa judecam, ne-am permis sa uzurpam vointa semenilor nostri, precum ne-am permis si sa crucificam. Dupa toate acestea, ne-am permis sa credem si in Mantuire, fara sa ne pese de traditie si de tot tezaurul acumulat in ea.
Procesele in dezvoltare, ca fiinta umana din specia umana, trebuie abordate in doua moduri si ramuri: dezvoltare psiho-somatica si dezvoltare sufleteasca. In primul caz discutam despre integritatea fiintei umane ca psihic si corp, iar in al doilea caz despre dezvoltarea fiintei umane in viata spirituala, in functie de idealul si cautarile sale permanente. In acest material expun parcursul uman in dezvoltarea lui psihodinamica, adica dinamismul pe calea dezvoltarii fiintei umane si reactiile la diferite experiente, precum si dezvoltarea somatica.
Principalele cauze care declanseaza imbolnavirea individului sunt TRISTETEA si NESIGURANTA, transformate in GRIJI PERMANENTE. Durerea si diferitele afectiuni reprezinta provocarea fiintei umane, ca individ si stiinta. Din istorie nu avem surse care sa ne spuna cum au aparut afectiunile in lume. Avem afectiuni si tratamente, dar cum s-a produs fenomenul imbolnavirii nu avem nici cautari stiintifice si nici explicatie in acest sens. Afectiunile secolului nostru cu cea mai mare mortalitate sunt: tuberculoza, infarctul, obezitatea, cancerele, schizofrenia si depresia de diferite tipuri. Acestea din urma au existat si in trecut, au existat de la inceputul dezvoltarii fiintei umane. Mutatiile genetice sunt cei mai frecventi factori determinanti pentru tot felul de afectiuni. Factorii externi care genereaza mutatiile genetice sunt fenomenele cosmice, schimbarile climatice radicale s.a.m.d. Factori interni sunt considerati a fi schimbarea de compozitie a leucocitelor si a hematiilor.
Exista si alte ipoteze, cum ar fi: fiinta umana a fost si s-a nascut complet sanatoasa si indestructibila. Pe parcurs, fiinta umana, datorita cautarilor sale, si-a descoperit sufletul si de atunci exista un permanent razboi intre suflet si corp, pentru ca ori sa reuseasca sa fie omogene ori sa se degradeze. Cu trecerea timpului, corpul a inceput sa piarda razboiul in defavoarea sufletului.
Alta ipoteza este si cea in care se afirma ca afectiunile sunt expresia diferitelor abordari ale individului ca si conceptii, adica una pragmatica si una spirituala. In timpuri diferite, civilizatii cum ar fi asirienii, maiasii si grecii afirmau ca diferitele afectiuni sunt urmare a greselilor comise de catre oameni si expresia pedepsei Zeilor, in urma faptelor lor reprobabile. O data cu pierderea independentei fiintei umane, din diferite motive, au aparut Zeii. Odata cu Zeii au aparut factorii dominanti in civilizatia umana, si anume: FRICA, SUPUNEREA si SCLAVIA.
Dominata in felul acesta prin forta, fiinta umana a pierdut razboiul si siguranta care permitea stabilitate; nu mai exista fiinta umana puternica si independenta, ci fiinta umana transformata in individ supus si vulnerabil. Civilizatiile mentionate mai sus permiteau, ca ipoteza, ca afectiunile sunt intamplatoare dar necesare, in conditiile in care fiinta nu este demoralizata si distrusa, ca sa poata sa se modifice, sa evolueze si sa se adapteze la schimbarile mediului inconjurator. Pe timpuri se considera ca este intamplare, soarta si destin, sa te imbolnavesti si doar propria ta forta poate invinge, iar cu ajutorul naturii si produselor ei poti sa iti redresezi sanatatea si sa schimbi destinul.
Fiinta umana are de ales intre a se multumi cu starea sa si afectiunile care o domina sau a se intreba de unde vin acestea din urma si de ce i se intampla doar ei si cat sa suporte acesta situatie, ori daca sa o suporte sau nu. Afectiunea nu vine brusc, din senin. Afectiunea se instaleaza incet, incet, ca o avalansa care aduna mici greseli pe care noi le acumulam de-a lungul timpului si nu le tratam. Aceasta avalansa, odata instalata, cu greu poate fi corectata, dar se poate totusi, cu conditia sa stim cum sa o facem. Fiinta umana, care intelege ca resursele vesniciei sunt in natura si care stie ca afectiunea este invatatoarea vietii, pentru propriile sale slabiciuni, poate transforma prin evolutie proprie aceste slabiciuni in bici impotriva maladiilor si sa devina fiinta umana puternica si evoluata.
Fiecare fiinta trebuie ca sa inteleaga si sa aprofundeze ca sanatatea este armonia intre contradictii. Individul trebuie sa cunoasca si faptul ca nu poate sa desparta afectiunea survenita de starea sa sufleteasca si psihica. Cei care trateaza starea somatica separat – gresesc categoric. In cazul in care individul este stabil psihosomatic, atunci nu intervine nicio afectiune, fiindca nu exista brese in apararea lui. In concluzie, afectiunea este rezultanta caderii scutului de protectie individual din diferite motive. Dezechilibrul fizic influenteaza starea psihica a individului, dar daca dezechilibrul acesteia din urma este de lunga durata, starea fizica se degradeaza permanent pana la deces. Este dovedit faptul ca atunci cand individul este in stare prelungita de frica, depresie, ura si manie (constient sau inconstient), precum si de nesiguranta prin griji prelungite, corpul individului suporta schimbari si deteriorari permanente, condamnandu-l. Starea aceasta de nesiguranta permanenta distruge incet sistemul imunitar si este lesne de inteles de ce suntem vulnerabili la virusuri si bacterii de tot felul.
In ceea ce priveste insanatosirea noastra si mai ales in cazurile foarte grave cauzate de diferite maladii, conteaza urmatorii factori: sa gasim calea spre echilibrul psihic perfect, dorinta de a ne insanatosi, credinta in vindecare si increderea in cei in mainile carora ne-am lasat viata spre vindecare (medic si nu in ultimul rand cei care ne inconjoara: familia si prietenii nostri). Este foarte interesant de stiut ca neuro-psiho-contextul ajuta radical la echilibrul somatic (corporal), cu alte cuvinte in conditiile in care stresul este evitat, corpul si sistemul imunitar se echilibreaza perfect. Faptul ca starea psihica este factor determinant pentru a fi sau a nu fi bolnav, este dovedit de un experiment cu zece bolnavi de cancer in faza terminala. Acesti 10 bolnavi, fiind intrebati care a fost starea lor inainte si dupa imbolnavire, au aratat diferite dezechilibre in starea lor psihologica si grave neintelegeri in familiile din care proveneau. In sapte din cazuri, in conditiile in care au fost indepartati de factorii stresori, starea lor s-a imbunatatit pana la vindecare. In celelalte trei cazuri, s-a dovedit ca bolnavii nu au mai avut credinta nici in ei si nici in reusita tratamentului. Bolnavii au crezut in medicina alopata si se asteptau la rezultate imediate, fara sa aiba rabdare si incredere
Medicina traditionala, care are istorie de cand este planeta si natura, trateaza cauza, nu efectul. In cazul acesta, plantele si diferitele metode de acupunctura si altele terapii isi fac efectul mai tarziu, dar atunci cand isi face efectul, medicina traditionala trateaza toate afectiunile, indiferent de gravitatea lor.
In vindecarea bolnavului, in afara de factorii psihologici, trebuie sa fie luat in calcul si statutul social al individului, si anume daca poate sau nu poate sa isi continue existenta fara sa existe amenintare psihologica si mai ales financiara, atunci cand se intoarce vindecat in societate.
In cazul in care nu se schimba si mediul in care traieste si in cazul in care se reintoarce intr-un mediu economic precar, soarta ii este pecetluita. In aceasta situatie, se poate pregati bolnavul psihologic foarte bine, astfel incat sa ignore starea economica precara si sa se deschida spre alte orizonturi, valori si crearea unui ideal, pe care bolnavul sa il urmeze pana la propria lui evolutie. In asta consta complexitatea medicinei traditionale – a vindeca si indruma individul spre viata si ideal complex.
O treime dintre afectiunile pe care fiinta umana trebuie sa le suporte sunt inevitabile, dar doua treimi sunt cele care apar in urma faptelor si demersurilor noastre gresite, care pentru univers sunt inexistente si nesemnificative, aproape neobservabile, fiindca o fiinta umana care nu evolueaza, nu prezinta interes ori daca nu prezinta interes este ca si cum nu a existat, iar daca nu a existat ce rost are vindecarea inexistentului, il lasi sa devina parte din schimbarea naturii. Politica in medicina traditionala este faptul ca trebuie sa invatam sa observam cat am facut noi ca sa nu fim afectati de catre diferite maladii, cum gandim, cum respectam pe semenii nostri si restul speciilor, precum si natura, ca sa stim la ce sa ne asteptam si cum suntem situati in raport cu natura si cu tot ce ne inconjoara.
In viata unei fiinte umane dezorientate, ura si impacarea cu soarta se completeaza reciproc si urmeaza depresia, care duce la dezechilibru total si la inevitabilul declin si deces. Inainte de deces, ultima faza in urma nedezvoltarii individuale este distrugerea credintei, iubirii si dragostei, ori fara acestea nu exista individul si soarta sa este meritata. Fiinta umana, care nu depune efort spre evolutie s-a dovedit ca se uraste pe sine, in primul rand si pe urma pe tot si pe toti care o inconjoara.
Astfel de fiinte se sinucid prin nepasare, adica prin exces de alcool, droguri, fumat, conducere cu viteza excesiva si oboseala prelungita si prin multe altele, fiindca nu pun pret pe propria persoana.
In medicina traditionala se cunoaste faptul ca persoanele care stau mai mult la pat sunt atacate de diferite Zeitati ale infernului care se bucura ca au alta victima doborata si o ataca pana castiga total. Zeitatile urii sunt infuriate ca exista si fiinte umane care, prin vointa, isi castiga libertatea de a dovedi ca sunt fiinte umane din specia umana. Fiinta umana care nu cunoaste natura si care nu foloseste si nu cunoaste plantele si beneficiul lor, este adesea victima sigura in lupta cu diferitele maladii. Exista si alta categorie de persoane, care se rasfata atunci cand sunt bolnave si in loc sa lupte asteapta sa faca ceilalti totul pentru ele. In limbaj psihodinamic, aceasta stare se numeste declin mental si depresie psihosentimentala. Este foarte important si temperamentul persoanei afectate pentru a se asigura vindecarea sau nonvindecarea. O persoana stabila si plina de viata se poate vindeca rapid, insa o persoana apatica si delasatoare mai incet sau deloc.
Atunci cand tratam un bolnav, trebuie sa abordam bolnavul cu maxima seriozitate iar diagnosticarea si tratamentul sa fie facute corect. In cazul in care suntem atenti si bine pregatiti, cu concursul bolnavului, in medicina traditionala nu exista nereusita.
Medicul in medicina traditionala trebuie sa aiba pregatire superioara, fiindca in mainile lui este soarta unei fiinte umane si prin maiestria lui il poate aduce la liman. In cazul in care un om nepotrivit cere fonduri , acestea se vor duce pe cale gresita si vor fi investite gresit. De aceea medicul este foarte important.
Cateodata, pentru un pacient un tratament este vindecare, dar pentru altul este otrava, de aceea este decisiv ca medicul sa fie bun si bine pregatit. Desigur, medicina traditionala ofera multe si nenumarate cai pentru reusita oricarui tratament, cu conditia ca tratamentul sa fie aplicat corespunzator cu iubire si credinta.
Nu exista fiinte umane care sa nu aiba nevoie de ajutor si acest ajutor trebuie sa fie primit atunci cand este nevoie. Despre oameni care sunt mereu sanatosi se spune ca de la ei si-au ridicat mana si Dumnezeu si Dracul, ceea ce inseamna ca nu exista si nici nu vor exista, dar important este ca exista Dumnezeu, exista natura si medicina traditionala. Medicina traditionala este ca o comoara pentru cei care o descopera o si pastreaza cu sfintenie, ori cei care nu o descopera, pe ei ii descopera afectiunile de tot felul.
Traditional medicine has withstood history due to the fact that it has been born out of entire generations’ countless experiences, from century to century, millennium after millennium, out of traditions; it is now and it has come from the beginning; also due to its actuality, the same one now as back then.
As present-day’s generation, we must keep this treasure called traditional medicine intact and – if we cannot improve and enrich it – it is our duty to pass it on in the same condition to the next generations. A human being can prove he exists if he understands that at the horizon there is white and black, darkness and daylight, far and near, thing or shadow and can see what all these are: reflection, colours, lights or Creation. And, depending on what they are, he can make us, too, understand.
A human being can choose to exist in white or in black. It is his right to do it, with the mention that in white you develop yourself, you work and you create, whereas in black you rest.
The first men entered the Heavenly Kingdom without mistakes. The next generation entered the Heavenly Kingdom with the mission half-fulfilled and half mistakes, because they had not understood exactly and they had not assimilated faithfully the first men’s teaching. As we are ignorant of the tradition, we – the present-day’s people – have erred insomuch that we have no other choice but to wait for the Last Judgement with all the consequences of our mistakes. We have taken the liberty of forgiving; we have taken the liberty of judging; we have taken the liberty of usurping our fellow creatures’ will and we have also taken the liberty of crucifying.
After all these, we also dared believe in Redemption without caring about tradition and about all the treasure accumulated in it.
As human being of the human species, the processes in development must be approached in two ways and by two branches: psychosomatic and spiritual development. In the first case we talk about the human being’s integrity as psychic and body, and in the latter about the human being’s development in the spiritual life, from the point of view of his ideal and his continuous searches. In this material I will show the man’s journey in his psychosomatic development, namely the dynamism on the way of the human being’s development and the reactions to various experiences as well as the somatic development.
The main causes triggering an individual’s disease are SADNESS and INSECURITY, grown into CONTINUOUS WORRIES. Pain and the various diseases are the human being’s challenge, as individual and science. We do not have historical sources to tell us how diseases have come into the world. We have diseases and various treatments, but as to how the phenomenon of disease occurred we have neither scientific studies nor explanation in this respect. Our century’s diseases with the highest mortality rate are the following: tuberculosis, infarction, obesity, cancers, schizophrenia and the various types of depression.
These last ones existed also in the past; they have existed since the beginning of the human being’s development. The genetic mutations are the most frequent crucial factors for all kind of diseases.
The external factors causing the genetic mutations are the cosmic phenomena, the radical climate changes and so on and so forth. Internal factors are considered to be the changes in composition of the leukocytes and red blood cells. There are other hypotheses, too, such as: the human being used to be and has been born perfectly healthy and indestructible.
Along the way, as a result of his searches, the human being found out his psyche and eversince there has been a continuous war between psyche and body, so either they would manage to become homogeneous or they would decay. With the passing of time, the body has started to lose the war, to the detriment of the psyche. Yet another hypothesis is the one stating that diseases are the expression of the individual’s various approaches as conceptions, namely a pragmatic and a spiritual one. In various ages, civilizations like the Assyrians, the Mayans and the Greeks stated that the various diseases were the consequences of the humans’ mistakes and the expression of the divine punishment as retribution for their reprehensible deeds. Once the human being lost his independence, out of various reasons, the gods have been born. At the same time with the gods, the dominating factors in the human civilization have been born, namely: FEAR, SUBMISSIVENESS and SLAVERY.
Thus dominated by force, the human being lost the war and the stability-giving safety: no longer was there the strong and independent human being, but the human being turned into submissive and vulnerable individual.
The above-mentioned civilizations allowed for the hypothesis that diseases were accidental but necessary – where the human being was not demoralised and destroyed – to help him change, evolve and adapt to the changes of the surrounding environment. Of old, they deemed it accident, fate and destiny if you fell ill; they deemed that only your own force could win and, with the help of nature and its products you could restore your health and change your destiny.
The human being must choose between being content with his condition and the diseases filling him or asking himself where these latter come from and why this is only happening to him and how long he is supposed to put up with the situation, or whether he should put up with it or not. A disease does not occur suddenly, out of the blue. A disease settles slowly, slowly in, like an avalanche gathering small mistakes that we have accumulated over time and have not treated. This avalanche, once settled in, can be undone at the cost of great exertion, but it can be, though, provided that we should know how to do it.
The human being who has understood that the resources of eternalness lay in nature and who knows that disease is life’s teacher, a teacher for his own flaws, will be able to turn – by his own development – these flaws into a whip against diseases and to become a strong and evolved human being.
Every human being must understand and assimilate that health is the harmony between contradictions.
The individual must also be aware that he cannot separate the occurred disease from his spiritual and psychic state. Those people are definitely wrong who treat the somatic condition separately. Where the individual is psychosomatically stable, no disease will occur, because there are no breaches in his defence. In conclusion, a disease is the consequence of the collapse out of various reasons of the personal protection shield. The physical disbalance influences the individual’s psychic state, but – where the disbalance of the latter is a long-term one, the physical condition will continue to decay to the point of death.
It is a proven fact that – when in a prolonged state of fear, depression, hatred and wrath (consciously or unconsciously); of insecurity caused by prolonged worries, as well – a person’s body will undergo continuous changes and deterioration, condemning him. This state of continuous insecurity is slowly destroying the immune system; therefore it is easy to understand why we are all vulnerable to viruses and bacteria of all kind.
As concerns our recovery, especially in the very serious cases of various diseases, the following factors make a difference: if we have found the way to the perfect psychic balance, our desire to recover, our faith in recovery and our confidence in those people whom we have entrusted our life to cure (physician, and not last, people around us: our family and friends).
It is very interesting to know that the neuro-psychical context helps the somatic (bodily) balance radically. In other words, if stress is avoided, body and immune system will grow perfectly balanced. The fact that the psychic state is a decisive factor in being or not being ill has been proven by an experiment conducted on ten patients with terminal phase cancer.
On being asked about their state before and after falling ill, these ten patients pointed out various disbalances in their psychological state and serious conflicts in the families they came from. In seven of the cases, with the stress factors removed, the patients’ condition improved to the point of healing. In the other three cases, it was proven that the patients had lost faith both in themselves and in the success of the treatment. The patients believed in the allopathic medicine and expected immediate results, also lacking patience and confidence.
The traditional medicine, which has a history as old as the planet and nature, treats the cause instead of the effect.
Therefore, the herbs and the various acupuncture methods, as well as other therapies will take effect at a later time, but when traditional medicine kicks in, it treats all diseases, irrespective of their gravity.
In healing a patient, in addition to the psychological factors, the person’s social status must also be taken into account, namely whether he can or cannot go on with his life without any psychological and especially financial threat existing when he goes back cured into society. Unless his living environment is changed as well and if he goes back to an economically precarious environment, his fate is sealed. In this circumstance, the patient can be trained psychologically very well, so that he will be able to ignore the poor economic condition and to open to new horizons, values and to the creation of an ideal that he will follow to his own evolution.
The traditional medicine’s complexity resides in this – it cures and guides a person to life and a complex ideal.
One third of the diseases the human being has to suffer from are unavoidable. Yet two thirds are those ones born as a result of our wrong deeds and actions which are non-existent and insignificant, almost unnoticeable for the Universe, because a human being that does not evolve is of no interest; and – if he is of no interest – it is as if he had not existed at all; and if he has never existed, what is the point in healing a non-existent person? You just let him become part of nature’s change. The policy in the traditional medicine is that we must learn to see how much we have done to protect ourselves from being affected by the various diseases, how we think, how we respect our fellow creatures, the rest of the species, and nature as well, so we will know what to expect and where we stand in relation to nature and to everything around us.
In a disoriented human being’s life, hatred and acceptance of his own fate complete each other; then follows depression leading to a complete disbalance, to the unavoidable decay and to death. Before death, the last phase resulted from the personal lack of evolution is the destruction of faith, love and devotion. And in their absence, the person does not exist and his fate is well-deserved.
It has been proven that the human being who does not make any effort for evolution hates himself first of all, and then everything and everyone around him. Such beings commit suicide by carelessness, namely by alcohol, drugs abuse, by smoking, speeding, prolonged exhaustion and by many other things, as they do not value their own person at all.
In the traditional medicine it is a known fact that people guarding the bed too long are attacked by various deities of the inferno who ravel in having another victim down; and they will keep attacking him till they have won completely.
The deities of hatred are infuriated because human beings also exist, who – by their will – earn for themselves the liberty of proving they are human beings of the human kind. The human being who does not know nature; who does not use and does not know the herbs and their benefit is often a certain victim in the fight with the various diseases. There is also another category of people who indulge themselves when being ill and instead of fighting they expect the other people to do everything for them. In psychodynamic lingo, this state is called mental decay and psycho-sentimental depression.
The affected person’s temperament is also very important in ensuring healing or non-healing. A stable person, also full of life, can heal fast, whereas a listless one and a quitter, more slowly or not at all.
When treating a patient we must approach him with utmost seriousness; also the diagnosis and treatment must be done correctly. If we pay close attention and we are well trained, with the patient’s participation, in the traditional medicine there is no such thing as failure. The traditional medicine physician must have upper training, because a human being’s fate is in his hands and by his mastery he can get the patient through completely. Where the inappropriate man asks for funds, these will take a wrong path and they will be unwisely invested. Therefore the physician is very important.
Sometimes a treatment is cure for one patient, but poison for another. Therefore it is crucial that the physician should be a good and well-trained one. Certainly, the traditional medicine provides many, countless way for the success of any treatment, provided that the treatment should be done properly, with love and faith. There are not human beings not to need help, and this help must be received when needed.
Of people who are always healthy they say that both God and the devil has taken their hands from them, which means that these people do not exist and nor will they ever do. What matters is that God exists, that nature and the traditional medicine exist.
The traditional medicine is a treasure for those who discover it and observe it to the letter, whereas those who do not find it, the various diseases find them.