PIRASAN Centre of Traditional Medicine is run by Dr Codrut Tutu, who has specialized in Asia and Russia in everything that is traditional medicine. The traditional medicine isn’t just medicine, it is art. Being a graduate of three months’ courses and advertising on a website that you are a traditional medicine practitioner doesn’t also mean that you actually master it. In addition, Dr Codrut TUTU has also been taught by the greatest master alive of traditional medicine, MAVRINO.
The modern medicine, a graduate of which was Dr Codrut Tutu, before being initiated in traditional medicine, provides merely solutions in emergencies, while the traditional medicine treats the human body in its entirety. There are no secrets for the specialists in traditional medicine, taking into account that it has been practiced since the beginnings of human existence. The traditional medicine has both practical experience and treatment techniques built on very stable foundations and known from the most ancient times. In the traditional medicine, the treatment is based on the fruit of nature and on tens of thousands years of experience.
Acupuncture is one of the branches of traditional medicine and it has been practiced since ancient times. The acupuncture needles, made of stone, that were discovered in China and dated back to the year 8000 B.C. stand proof of that. The treatments by medicinal herbs, respectively the phytotherapy, as well as the acupuncture have had only beneficial effects upon the human body. These facts have been undeniably proven for as many years. At present, for instance, the traditional medicine is officially recognized in 120 countries. In the developed countries, the modern medicine is compulsorily complemented and aided by the close cooperation with the traditional medicine. The traditional medicine – Chinese, Tibetan, Russian, Indian and from the Balkan countries – must be approached with utmost seriousness by each individual in particular, if health be important to one and if one wish to prevent and treat the anomalies of one’s own body.
In our clinic, taking into account that our specialist has a very high level training in traditional medicine, the patients are treated by extracts of medicinal herbs (which contain also minerals), medicinal diets adapted to each patient, acupuncture and thermotherapy, specialized massage or massage combined with aromatherapy. In order that there should be a result, first of all, the diagnosis must be made accurately from the point of view of the energy assessment, namely the patient must be informed of the energy disorders in his/her body and of the way in which the best results can be achieved. To this end, the patient must come to the consultation with the results of the medical investigations made by the means of the modern medicine. During the treatment, the medical investigation that led to the initial diagnosis must be repeated every three or six months, so both patient and physician should be able to see clearly the evolution of the treatment. Diagnosing in the traditional medicine can be performed in several ways, but the most precise one is the method of the Tibetan pulse, which is practiced accurately in our clinic.
The three golden methods maintaining the balance of a body are the positive and correct thinking, healthy physical exercise, and correct alimentation. When referring to positive and correct thinking, we have several aspects in mind: the analysis of everything around you, imagination, premonition, emotions, emotional experiences, and correct thinking from a psychological point of view. As a basis of healthy physical exercise – each patient must be taught that physical exercise can substitute drugs, that is physical exercise can replace drugs but drugs cannot replace physical exercise. By healthy medicinal exercise we can release physical fatigue, emotional stress or other disturbances of psychological even psychiatric nature.
In order to have a correct diet, a patient must be taught to eat as much as possible natural products (bio foodstuff) and to maintain an exceptional disposition during meals, free of emotional stress.
In the traditional medicine, the important theories, and also the ones governing the success of the treatment are the theory of yin and yang, the five elements, tzi, tzin, shen, the energy channels and the active points. They stand at the base of the pathology of a disease. They are accepted as correct in the traditional medicine throughout the world, inclusively in Europe.
The traditional medicine treats not only the symptoms. As I have mentioned previously, it treats the individual in his/her complexity and even more than that, it treats the complexity of an individual, dealing with his/her integration and implication in the physical work, with the emotional stability, with the cerebral correctness, with the spiritual as well as the environmental factors.
In the traditional medicine, the healing process involves the individual as much as the disease has done it, in his/her entirety, and it doesn’t confine itself to a sole symptom. Therefore the treatment doesn’t consist of several medical techniques and combinations of therapies but it is a complex and comprehensive approach of the traditional medicine in relation with life.
In the traditional medicine the inner physician is the most valuable; it is the one who – by the aid of the therapist – cures the disease. After the beginning of the treatment by acupuncture and medicinal herbs, the inner physician receives information and reacts in consequence.
Before applying to traditional medicine and starting the proper treatment, the human body is very, very deranged. The disorder has been inherited from parents, too. Therefore the function of the organs is not synchronized and balanced, but chaotic. The commencement of the treatment breaks off the negative energies. A positive cycle is created. Therefore, sometimes, at the beginning of the treatment, the patient may experience a pain; it isn’t, however, a trauma pain, but a pain of recovery, taking into account that the body balances its energies and begins a cycle of normality. The activation of the inner physician is a process that, besides acupuncture and the proper herbal treatment, also involves active talks with the doctor, keeping a diet, maintaining a balanced lifestyle, as well as other therapeutic aspects.
Since 1998, we have successfully treated in our clinic many disorders of the human body: stress disorders, diseases of the osseous system (chronic backaches, arthritis, discopathy, osteoporosis, disk herniation etc.), affections caused by the alcohol and tobacco consumption, chronic fatigue, insomnia, disorders of the digestive apparatus (colitis, enterocolitis, gastritis, ulcer), pulmonary diseases (cold, bronchitis, asthma etc), tumors, kidney diseases, neurological disorders, immune disorders, allergies, hypertension, food and metabolic disorders (obesity, anorexia), migraines, depression, gynecological and endocrinological disorders (endometriosis, cysts, fibromas, hypo and hyperthyroidism, self-immune thyroid, thyroid and mammary nodules, sterility, disorders of sexual dynamic, impotence etc) and any type of cancer.
The duration of a traditional treatment varies with each patient, depending on his/her affections and on the condition of his/her body. At the beginning of the treatment, the acupuncture is done by complex procedures of five sessions. However, their number may be increased or decreased, depending on the therapist’s approach. During the treatment period decided by Dr Codrut Tutu, for any affection, the patient must come to the clinic once or twice a week. As a rule, there may be noticed an improvement after the first several sessions, but, in order to eradicate the disease, the treatment must continue for as long as the therapist advises. In many cases, even if Dr Codrut Tutu had prescribed a treatment of a longer duration, the patients, feeling better in the first 3 – 4 months, gave up treatment. Later they returned to the clinic complaining of the same affections.
The traditional medicine’s secrets must not be ignored. Those who, like Dr. Codrut Tutu, know them, perform them masterly on any patient. The traditional medicine is a gift of nature to people. Each person should analyze and accept this gift, so he/she could benefit from the traditional treatments in this way, enjoying a long life in a healthy body.