Parkinson’s disease is a degeneration of the central nervous system caused by affected brain cells or even by the destruction of a number of them. The disease is related to old age, but not only to that, because young patients, too, are affected by the latter situation, as an aftereffect of various forms of encephalitis they suffered from, heavy-metal poisoning or narcotics consumption.
Some of the first symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are the trembling of the hands and the shuffling of the feet and so are the slow movements. The symptoms become more obvious after stress or in fatigue. In time, the voluntary movements are extremely difficult.
The movement becomes stiffening and slow and later follow speaking impairment and vision disorders. One can also notice the alteration of the facial muscles, which have lost their elasticity and control, and there is even saliva dribbling from the mouth. While the patient experiences the numbness of arms and legs, the thinking process remains normal. Because of that, the more obvious the symptoms are, the more the patient wishes to die.
The allopathic medicine treats this disease by Dopamine and Acetylcholine, but these drugs have many side effects; one such example would be that they interrupt whole portions of the nervous path and do more damage than repair. Therefore, the patient displaying these symptoms and diagnosed with this disease must go to the traditional medicine specialist who will assess his or her condition and will decide upon a treatment consisting of acupuncture, hydroalcoholic extracts of medicinal, a proper diet and an appropriate lifestyle, the combination of which will ameliorate the problem until the complete recovery.